MTCNA 2016 : Modul 5 & 6 selesai dilaksanakan

CIMAHI,- Pada minggu ke 3 bulan pebruari 2016 ini, pemberian materi MTCNA modul 5 & 6 telah selesai dilaksanakan bertempat di kampus Haji Bakar. Sama seperti pada modul 2, 3 & 4 pemberian materi modul 5 & 6 diberikan di mata pelajaran tertentu.

Modul 5 wireless diberikan di mata pelajaran nirkabel jaringan dengan didampingi Adi Setiadi sebagai guru pengampu mata pelajaran tersebut serta modul firewall diberikan di mata pelajaran keamanan jaringan dengan didampingi Asep Rudi. (ty)


  1. Roulette wheels do have defects irrespective of how small they're. As a wise participant, you should be|you have to be|you should be} looking out for slants, cracks, imbalance, and different manufacturing defects, so find a way to|you probably can} determine how the ball will fall in your favor. If you realize the roulette wheels inside-out, then you might be familiar with big names like Abbiati, Cammegh and John Huxley is not going to come as a huge surprise. As you'll be able to|you probably can} see, the 2 are completely different phrases of|when it comes to|by way of} the sequence and number of pockets, as well as|in addition to} the home edge. However, the 카지노 coloring of the slots is actually the same.


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